AMGA Single Pitch Instructor Course & Assessment

The Single Pitch Instructor (SPI) Program teaches climbing instructors to proficiently facilitate and instruct the sport of rock climbing in a single pitch setting. The SPI is the only internationally recognized single pitch climbing instructor certification program in the United States. It was developed to fit in the AMGA Rock program. Benefits:
- It significantly improves the instructor’s skill sets and integrates into the next level of training, the AMGA Rock Instructor Course.
- The program is for current, active rock climbers who have a real desire to teach rock climbing to novices in a single pitch setting.
- The SPI Course is a 27-hour training course that normally runs as three consecutive nine-hour days or day classes with evening sessions.
- The SPI Assessment is a minimum of 16 hours run over a two-day period.
- Certification lasts for three years as long as the candidate keeps current AMGA Membership and First Aid Certification.
- After three years current SPI’s can re-take the SPI Assessment to regain the SPI certification.
- Taking any higher level AMGA Course also recertifies the SPI certification for another three years.
Course Dates:
SPI Course: August 7-9
SPI Exam: August 15-16
Cost: $500/Course, $340/Exam br> includes a copy of the text: “Rock Climbing: The AMGA Single Pitch Manual” by Falcon Guides br> does not include AMGA membership fees, daily entrance fees, or required equipment br>
To Enroll:
- 1. Visit the AMGA homepage at;
- 2. join or renew membership; 3. apply for the SPI course and/or exam via myAMGA;
- 4. you will then be contacted by your Course Provider/Host to confirm enrollment/prerequisites and pay your program tuition
Program Contact Information: br> AMGA membership or general SPI questions: visit or call 303-271-0984 br> SPI Program Host (pay deposit, Gunks & High Xposure questions): email or call 1-800-777-CLIMB br> SPI Program Provider (to contact your instructor): email: